Every October, the AAO acknowledges Orthodontic Health Month.
Over the past few years, our 19,000 members have united during these four weeks to take a stand against bullying.
The AAO challenges you and its 19,000 member orthodontists to come together in the fight against bullying.
National Stop Bullying Day calls on schools and organizations to bring together children, educators, and parents for the sake of preventing bullying situations.
While bystander intervention is an effective way to stop bullying in real-time, understanding how it can be prevented can be even more important. Orthodontists worldwide are taking a stand and encouraging their patients to do the same because we can all agree, #BullyingBites #united #canyoncreekorthospringville #canyoncreekorthospanishfork #bracesnearme #damonbraces #straightteethspringville #orthodontics #springvillesmile #springvilleorthodontics #spanishforkorthodontist #utahvalleyorthodontics #drchurch #springvillestraightteeth