We would love your vote! We’ve been nominated “Best Orthodontist” in the Utah Valley Magazine’s annual “Best of Utah Valley” contest! We would be so grateful to have your support by giving us your vote.
1) Head to https://utahvalley360.com/uvmag/contests/
2) Scroll down to “Best Orthodontics” category and find “Canyon Creek Orthodontics”
3) Follow the prompts
4) Be sure to confirm your vote!
Many Thanks!Valley Magazine’s annual “best of” contest!
#utahvalley360 #bestofutahvalley #canyoncreekorthospringville #canyoncreekorthospanishfork #bracesnearme #damonbraces #straightteethspringville #orthodontics #springvillesmile #springvilleorthodontics #spanishforkorthodontist #utahvalleyorthodontics #drchurch #springvillestraightteeth